Welcome to Espiria
Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Fund units may go up or down in value and investors may not get back the amount invested.
Portfolio balance
Portfolio balance through diversification of risk - across geographies, sectors and fundamental drivers, with limited exposure to individual companies
Quality companies
Investments focused on quality companies with strong business models, good profitability and management that is resilient to stock market downturns
Innovation & Sustainability
A focus on megatrends, driven by innovation and sustainability, that support favourable sales growth over the long term
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Why invest in Espiria Nordic Corporate Bond?
Portfolio managers Stefan Pari and Huizi Zeng explains the benefits of investing in a fund focused on the Nordic corporate bond market.
Investment team

Espiria works actively to encourage industries to become more sustainable, through our investments and engagement. Our investment philosophy is about finding companies with high quality and sustainability standards, through fundamental research and proprietary ESG analysis tools.